A Long Weekend in NYC Recap

Until this year, I had never been to New York City. Iceland? Yes. Dubai? Also yes. But NYC? Nope. It just wasn't a trip that had come up yet. Then Mike talked about going to a conference in London and I'd join him for a long weekend trip. When that feel through, I got the idea of a long weekend in NYC instead in my head. I had some vacation time, it would be December and I'd always wanted to visit around Christmastime. A friend who had moved to NYC a few years reached out randomly and that sealed it - with that and a budget for the trip created we were ready to go. I mostly wanted to see musicals and eat at so many of the restaurants and bakeries I'd seen all over the Internets. Mike had the Nintendo store on his list. Day 1 - Friday Got in around 10 pm, checked into our hotel and walked to Veselka for dinner. Veselka is known for pireogis and was the place I most wanted to try when I started looking into NYC restaurants. I love pierogies and this plate of...