LeRoy's Arrival Story

This week is Birth Trauma Awareness Week so I thought I'd share the story of LeRoy's early arrival, as writing it down and sharing is helpful in processing it. His delivery was certainly not what I expected going into pregnancy and even right up until it happened. He's a somewhat small 3 month old now, but a generally happy one First, some background on my pregnancy: On our five year anniversary I found out I was pregnant. We couldn't do our normal anniversary dinner out due to covid and instead went for a hike nearby while cautiously (it was super early, the line on the test was faint but there) talking about the pregnancy and potentially taking our kid hiking some day. I was pretty grateful to be working from home as the first trimester required daily naps for a period. We were "team green" - not finding out the sex prior to delivery. Mike couldn't come to any ultrasounds until the 3rd trimester due to the fall covid surge, though he was able to vide...