Chocolate Ganache Tart

This summer when we were hosting friends from out of town I got the idea to make a fruit tart and could. not. let. it. go. In my head it had to be a rectangular tart - something about the presentation of the shape speaks to me. So I scoured the MSP area for a store with one in stock and trekked all the way to Uptown to a fancy kitchen store for one. Turns out round tart pans - and recipes for them - are much more common. With a new tart pan, tarts became my go-to for the holidays. Thanksgiving featured a couple cranberry tarts that were fantastic and Christmas had this lovely chocolate ganache tart. I used this recipe as my base, but found this magic French buttery crust instead of the cookie crust. The crust recipe is my absolute favorite because it really does feel like a trick in how it comes together and yet it's so tasty and easy to work with. Because the recipe is meant for a round tart, there's a bit more chocolate ganache than needed for the tart. The extra g...